Australia's ABC (read BBC or PBS) has a poll on their website: Do you think global warming is caused primarily by human activity?
As per usual, shenanigans started happening half way through today and ABC then suspended the poll.
Your erstwhile blogger, though, was busy taking screen captures.
9-Jul - 0728 - Votes: 2,033 - Yes 28%, No 72%
9-Jul - 1013 - Votes: 4,716 - Yes 25%, No 75%
10-Jul - 0748 - Votes: 5,336 - Yes 24%, No 76%
For more than 24 hours, the Deniers are miles in front. But wait for it, here comes the charge of the Left Brigade...
10-Jul - 2203 - Votes: 14,071 - Yes 65%, No 35%
In this period there were 7,865 Yes votes to 870 No votes.
Yep. That seems to comport with what people are really thinking out there. Not.
The software the ABC uses is really quite crappy, as it allowed people to vote multiple times so who knows what the real result it. The poll is now suspended.
I wonder whether any of the panellists will refer to this poll on Thursday night in the post-showing of The Great Global Warming Swindle. Nothing would surprise me. If the ABC was honest then they'd take down the graph altogether.
12 July Update
Having worked out that their polling software was able to be manipulated simply by pressing the voting button more than once - a complexity that seems to appropriately mirror the left wing ideology of the ABC - they've now introduced a new voting button that requires you to enter an email address and then click a link in your inbox to have your vote count.
Given that they know the poll has been manipulated why hasn't the ABC zeroed it from this morning? Could it be so that the Yes vote wins the day? From the website: "Results will be published here shortly after the program on Thursday night."
Let's see whether they refer to this poll in the post GGWS discussion as proof that the public supports the claim...
Click to embiggen
The way most poll questions are worded is a problem as well. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
I noticed in an account published in todays Australian newspaper that the ABC were screening an edited version of the Global Warming Swindle doco.
It'll be ineteresting to see what parts they've cut.
And the panel "discussion" after the screening is being chaired by a journo who's a believer in AGW!
These people are disgusting.
"interesting" that is. pimf
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