The worst prime minister in Australia's history has been jettisoned by the Australian Labor Party allowing our first female prime minister, Julia Gillard, to take the reins.
Congratulations to Julia Gillard.

Will she be a good PM? Who knows? As I write every time there's a change of leadership, either in government or opposition, we will have to wait some time to see how a person grows into the role. I suspect that she will be up to the task.
There does seem to be some schizophrenia in the market regarding Labor's electoral chances. Last week ninemsn ran a poll asking whether people would vote for Julia Gillard if she became leader. The vote was 60-40 against her.
ninemsn has repeated the poll after the vote this morning:

Even with only 7000 votes there's still a big no vote against her.
However, the betting market is the one to follow:

The price before the leadership spill was pretty much the same as it is now so the government is still a strong favourite to win the next election.
One poll goes one way while the other goes the other:

UPDATE: From the ninemsn website:
ninemsn readers have cast doubt on Julia Gillard's future as prime minister, with almost two-thirds declaring they will not vote for her in the looming election.
At 3pm today our homepage poll showed that more than 50,000 readers would not vote for Ms Gillard in the coming federal election, compared to about 23,000 who said they would.
The ninemsn homepage is visited by more than ten million people each month — 70 percent of Australians online.
In addition to the vote, more than a thousand readers have posted comments — revealing a vast mix of reactions — since Ms Gillard was chosen to replace Kevin Rudd in the top job earlier today.
Many readers who said they might have voted for Mr Rudd have hit out at the Labor caucus vote that put his former deputy in power.
"We the Australian people voted in Kevin Rudd as our Prime Minister … who is the group, a handful, of faceless people who can just come in and change our democratically elected Prime Minister???" wrote Holcars from Cranbourne.
"The people elected Kevin07 for PM not Julia-010," agreed Tony G, from Maroubra.
"No one has heard of these Labor factional powerbrokers and the people certainly did not vote for them."
(Nothing Follows)