Monday 27 October 2008

Belief that climate change is man made plummeting like a stone

The EcoFascists at The Nature Conservancy are surprised that only 18 percent of people strongly agree that climate change is human caused.

Encouragingly for them, 18% is a few points higher than those who think that 9/11 was an inside job, believe that the CIA killed Kennedy or that Elvis is still alive.
Americans are sharply divided in their beliefs about whether climate change is real, according to a new study commissioned by The Nature Conservancy and other leading conservation and climate action groups.

The study — the American Climate Values Survey (ACVS), conducted by the consulting group EcoAmerica — also found that only 18 percent of survey respondents strongly believe that climate change is real, human-caused and harmful. It also found that political party affiliation is the single largest indicator as to whether people see climate change as a threat.
Climate Change is a partisan political topic?

Nooooo, surely not?
  • Convinced it's happening: 54 percent of Republicans, 90 percent of Democrats.
  • Think that weather has gotten more severe: 44 percent of Republicans; 77 percent of Democrats.
  • Noticed the climate changing: 54 percent of Republicans; 84 percent of Democrats.
  • Trust Al Gore when he talks about global warming: 22 percent of Republicans; 71 percent of Democrats.
  • Trust environmentalists who talk about global warming: 38 percent of Republicans; 71 percent of Democrats.
  • Trust anyone who talks about global warming: 39 percent of Republicans; 75 percent of Democrats.
Which just goes to show that Republicans have a better grasp on reality than Democrats though the high numbers on both sides saying they've noticed the climate changing is a real concern given the conditions that will bring noticable change have not yet come to pass and are a good 50 years in the future.

CO2 is supposedly the primary driver of climate change so how does the following come about?

Naturally, Climate Liars will scream about the graph not containing enough years. Why data back to 1979 (the start of satellite data) is also not too short is beyond me but they clearly like to use it because it's near the end of the cool period from around 1940 to the mid-70s.

(Nothing Follows)


Anonymous said...

CO2 is supposedly the primary driver of climate change so how does the following come about? - you'd have to be a bit of a retard to think that rising CO2 would mean that every single month would be warmer than the preceding one. You really do think that, though, don't you?

Naturally, Climate Liars will scream about the graph not containing enough years. Why data back to 1979 (the start of satellite data) is also not too short is beyond me but they clearly like to use it because it's near the end of the cool period from around 1940 to the mid-70s.

It's beyond you because you are stupid. Do you know anything about statistics? Do you know about calculating the error bars on a derived trend? Obviously not. From NASA data, here are the measured trends and error estimates over the last 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 years:

50 years: +0.13 ± 0.01°C/decade
40 years: +0.16 ± 0.01°C/decade
30 years: +0.17 ± 0.02°C/decade
20 years: +0.19 ± 0.03°C/decade
10 years: +0.17 ± 0.08°C/decade
5 years: +0.07 ± 0.2°C/decade

Tell us what you notice about these numbers, particularly the size of the error, relative to the trend.

Jack Lacton said...


Yet again you obfuscate facts and avoid the real issue.

By presenting the data in the way you have you cover up the lack of 20th century correlation between temperature and CO2 that saw climate modelers have to fudge the temperature downturn from 1940-75 with the mythical aerosol effect.

Anonymous said...

mythical aerosol effect - ha ha! So, why did global temperatures drop after the eruption of Mount Pinatubo?

And how about you stop obfuscating, and clarify what you think. Do you think that every single month should be warmer than the preceding month? And do you still think that you can measure a meaningful global temperature trend from less than a decade of data?

Jack Lacton said...


You need to take your medication.

Mt Pinaturbo compared to the 1940-75 cool period...!

That is insane.

I reckon that climate should be measured in hundreds of years.

It's climate modelers and Big Green who use periods as short as one year, or even one hot day, to 'prove' their positions.

My point is that the climate models make predictions about temperature change over small time frames due to CO2 being the primary forcing agent.

An analysis of those predictions shows that the models are wrong and, by extension, that the science that went into the models must also be wrong.

It's not that hard.

Anonymous said...

So, you do believe aerosols cause cooling, but you don't believe they cause cooling... please clarify.

I reckon that climate should be measured in hundreds of years. - why?

It's climate modelers and Big Green who use periods as short as one year, or even one hot day, to 'prove' their positions. - no they don't.

My point is that the climate models make predictions about temperature change over small time frames due to CO2 being the primary forcing agent. - no they don't.

I asked earlier if you think that every single month should be warmer than the preceding month, as CO2 rises. What is your answer?

Anonymous said...

When it comes to actual data dealing with Global warming, I like to look at this website. It points out many of the mistakes that are made: