Monday 1 June 2009

Defence Skippy

I was out at the Department of Defence's Campbell Park offices the other day.
Campbell Park, together with Russell Offices, is the headquarters of the Australian Defence Force. It is located in Canberra, the national capital of Australia, in the suburb of Campbell, Australian Capital Territory.

The building looks eastward across the Majura Valley and Canberra International Airport and backs onto Mount Ainslie. The offices have seven floors of varying width, staggered back on tall concrete pillars to match and blend with the profile of the hill to the west. Four numbered sections, numbered from the south, bend slightly eastward at each 'node' where lifts take people between floors. Nodes B, C, D, and E also have spiral staircases. Access is by main security entrances at B and D Nodes, between CP1&2 and CP3&4 respectively. Underground document storage and work space is below part of the building.
Apparently, it's the longest building in the southern hemisphere.

Anyhoo, there happened to be a few kangaroo kicking about and so I took a few photos to prove to our overseas friends that these things really do bounce down the streets of our cities.

By the way, they are definitely not friendly and should not be approached if you happen to come across one. They'll do you some serious damage if you stir one up.

(Nothing Follows)

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