Obama saw.
Obama schmoozed.
Obama got his arse kicked from Copenhagen to Madrid to Tokyo to Rio and all the way back to Chicago.

What a massive political blunder by the Obama administration.
George Custer could not have organised to be more neatly ambushed.
Check out the nitwit on Democrat Central (CNN), he can't believe it:
If Chicago had have finished 2nd then that would have been one thing but to be eliminated in the first round when you're favourite to win?
The Obama supporting mainstream media will try and pass it off as being no big deal, that Rio was always going to be hard to beat and that finishing 2nd, 3rd or 4th doesn't matter, as it's not a win.
Make no mistake about it.
The world has sent the United States a clear message that it has lost its former standing.
This decision will be the first of many that go against the US. It's time for Mr Obama to stop pretending to be president by seeking to be Mr Popularity and actually take the tough decisions that go with the office.
(Nothing Follows)
Im from Chicago and i cant tell you how happy i and MOST others from chicagoland are about this. That TINY demonstration at the daley center was nothing. Few hundred people..... Big deal.
Let them put us on notice, We are an insular people anyway. And on the verge politically, and without doubt financially, returning to our time honored tradition. This team america world police crap needs to end. Like yesterday!
I think American people know very well ..who is best one... that's why Rio deserve it.
Rio...this is a obvious decision...
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