So here's the boat. There's 78 Sri Lankans camping on it.

Now, here's the bit that will drive the cultural left crazy.
Outspoken Liberal MP, Wilson Tuckey, suggested that the government may need to call in the army in order to remove the Sri Lankans from the boat and place them in detention in Indonesia.
Cue the usual whinging and carry on from Australia's left.
Here's the current status of ninemsn's poll on the issue - Should the army get the asylum seekers off the Oceanic Viking?

(click to embiggen)
Queue-jumping asylum seekers have very little support from the Australian people. We have a strong sense of fairness and these people are well past what we consider acceptable.
Now, would the cultural left accept the result of the poll?
Surely they would twist it into an example not of Australia's fairness but of its inherent racism?
No doubt there'll be much chatter among the chattering class over the injustice of it all.
(Nothing Follows)
Okay Jack -
The Wiki-verse tells us that MV 'Oceanic Viking' is an oil rig supply vessel converted to cable laying. Explains the strange configuration. Application to customs and fisheries ( let alone border protection ) unclear - maybe the owners charted it out cheap to the pov Australian govt ?
Even if the Collective 'We' - as defined as the elected party in power - wanted to send the troops in to remove the unplanned passengers a la "Tampa" - if the thing is in Indonesian waters - quite how do we do that without provoking an international incident ?
I mean - we could potentially send the Blackhawks in with the SAS again with little likelihood of resistance on the ship - we assume any former Tamil Tigers onboard are not carrying weapons after all this time - but if the local Indonesian governor maintains his objections, it's going to make for an interesting moment if the vessel tries to enter port and shove the unwilling passengers down the gangplank to an unwilling Indonesian reception committee.
Make-Almost-No-Apologies Ruddy is potentially looking at a long, painful and frustrating standoff on this one to test his less than bountiful patience.
Sadly, there will be little more than kind words and meaningless action on the part of the United States in aiding the Aussies. See, our leaders are now puff pastry effigies who think talking to terrorists will convince them to give up their arms and take up basketweaving for profit. It's worked so well with the the meantime, real Americans wish that we could help and hope that Australia demonstrates the value of, as we call it, "having a pair."
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