Thursday 7 June 2007

10 more questions for Muslims

Following on from my 10 Questions for Muslims, here are 10 more to ponder.

I have a question for Muslims about those 72 virgins apparently waiting in heaven for 'martyrs' that die in suicide bombings or fighting against the Infidel around the world.
Rather than 72 virgins wouldn't you rather have, say, 50 virgins and 22 beautiful women that, um, know a thing or two about the caper?
I would.

And another thing...
Why is it that the military history of Muslim nations over the last 200 years makes the French achievements look better than what Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great and George S Patton did all rolled into one?
And while I'm at it...
Is 'jihadi' an official job title in the Muslim world?
I'm not finished yet...
If 'jihad' truly means personal struggle then can you please point out when it's been used with this meaning from, say, the year 610 onwards?
And still more...
While breastfeeding on a girl you've just met do you have to enter into a temporary marriage in order to get your rocks off or can you only get a Mohammaden golden shower from her instead?
Only half way...
If an Australian man and his wife are driving along in a secluded area in Saudi Arabia and the man has a heart attack then is his wife allowed to drive him to the hospital or will she get 500 lashes/be stoned to death?
But wait, there's more...
Why do all Islamic studies department in universities, which are supposed to teach The Religion of Peace, include jihad (of the non-peaceful kind) so prominently in their curriculum?
Only three to go and I'm not even warmed up...
Why is it that when our ninny educators have Arabic/Islamic cultural events and kids dress up in veils, burqas, niqabs and whatnot that's OK but when women in Muslim countries want to wear nice clothes and go to the hairdresser they must be killed?
It's a shame there's only two questions to go...
There would be a sum total of zero Muslim leaders that say anything other than Western society is decadent and immoral. Isn't Islam on morally shaky ground when it says it's OK for Mohammed to have had sex with his nine year old bride?
And the lucky last one...
If the Koran says that Jews are monkeys and apes then does that mean those primates are next in line to have a fatwa ordering their deaths as soon as you're done wiping out the Jews?


GlobalFantasy said...

You're an idiot.

Jack Lacton said...

Oooooh. Huge slap down from Mr Fantasy.

He does receive the award for the best quality post to Kerplunk from anyone on the Left so far.

Well done, sir!

Anonymous said...

Even better second time around!!!