Wednesday 4 April 2007

Reagan's wisdom is sorely missed

Watch these two short videos of the great Ronald Reagan. The old one must be from the early 60s, as he seems to be campaigning for Barry Goldwater and the latest is from when he was President.

What the world needs is for a Ronald Reagan type to win the US Presidency in 2008. Who can you nominate from the current candidates that has anything like his track record before he won and ability to bring people together while maintaining a firm, non-populist grip on the major issues of the day? The person least 'presidential' to me is Hillary Clinton. The person who appears most 'presidential' is Mitt Romney.

Reagan really was one of a kind. When people look back with genuine fondness at his life and stand in awe of his achievements it should be remembered that those bastions of patriotism, the Washington Post and the New York Times, gave Reagan as hard a time during his presidency as they are George W Bush now.


Anonymous said...

Not missed by any of the families of the many tens of thousands of dead central Americans whose blood is on the hands of that old senile piece of shit Reagan. Sure am glad he's burning in Hell now. I set off fireworks when that old bastard died.

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