Tuesday 6 March 2007

Raped in Saudi Arabia? Have 90 lashes

Here's an example of the disgusting practices that go on in countries under Sharia Law. To the Left it's fine, though, because "it's their culture and all cultures are equally valid."
A Saudi woman who was kidnapped at knifepoint, gang-raped and then beaten by her brother has been sentenced to 90 lashes — for meeting a man who was not a relative.
Deafening silence from the civil liberties and feminist groups.
In an interview with the Saudi Gazette, the 19-year-old said she was blackmailed a year ago into meeting a man who threatened to tell her family they were having a relationship outside wedlock, which is illegal in the ultra-conservative desert kingdom.
Illegal? How would same sex marriage be viewed in Saudi Arabia?
After driving off together from a shopping mall near her home, the woman and the man were stopped and abducted by a gang of men wielding kitchen knives who took them to a farm where she was raped 14 times by her captors.
It doesn't matter what country it is, men who commit rape, and especially gang rape, should be put away for life and the key thrown away.
Five men were arrested for the rape and given jail terms ranging from 10 months to five years by a panel of judges in the eastern city of Qatif, near the woman's hometown.
Ten months to five years? Pikers.
But the judges also decided to sentence the woman, identified by the newspaper only as "G," and the man to lashes for being alone together in the car.
Get out of here? Seriously? Sitting with a man that's not a relative in a car can get you 90 lashes? What would Divine Brown have got in Saudi Arabia, then?
Unrelated men and women are forbidden from interacting in public in Saudi Arabia, which strictly enforces Islamic Sharia law. "G" said one of the judges told she was lucky not to have been given jail time. "I was shocked at the verdict. I couldn't believe my ears," said the woman, who has appealed against her sentence.
Shocked? She was lucky not to get stoned to death for her trouble.
The woman also told the paper she tried to commit suicide because of her ordeal and was beaten by her younger brother because the rape had brought shame on their family. Fuziyah al-Ouni, described as an activist by the paper, said she was outraged by the case. "By sentencing her to 90 lashes they are sending a message that she is guilty. No rape victim is guilty," she said. There are severe legal restrictions on women in Saudi Arabia, including a strict dress code required outside the home and a ban on driving.
It should be noted that the paper is being quite brave in publishing the interview, as is Fuziyah al-Ouni for criticising the House of Saud.

The Left wants us to sit down and talk to these people so that we can understand them and live together peacefully. When a decent man sits at a table with an indecent man it doesn't raise the indecent to a level of decency, it lowers the decent to the level of the indecent. The only outcome that cultural equality can achieve is what I refer to as Lowest Common Denominatorism. It is a phenomenon that minimises exceptional values and exceptional people in the name of equality.


Anonymous said...

especially since its International Womens Day. The feminazis only like to go after wicked George Bush and 'racist' John Howard.

WomanHonorThyself said...

hi there..excellent posts truly!..Keep up the good fight eh!